Living Hope Asks Harris Health Board of Directors to reinstate access to medical supplies

4 Dec 2015

On December 3rd, international day of people with disabilities, Members of Living Hope Wheelchair Association spoke in front of Harris Health board of directors to demand access to medical supplies for those who are not eligible for Medicaid. We were supported by other members of Health is a Human Right Coalition. Our president Noe Ramírez, one of our members, Abundio Ramírez and our Executive director Pancho Argüelles also requested expansion of dialysis services since the catastrophic impact lack of this treatment has on those who need it.

Our organization is thankful for the good work that Harris Health does and at the same time urges their leadership to go beyond of what they are doing now so we can reduce health disparities in alleviate the suffering of our community. It is not just a matter of money, it is a matter of how priorities get set. We believe access to medical supplies for migrants with spinal cord injuries has to be a priority!