
Lorenzo Mora H.

Member of the Board of Directors

I am originally from Veracruz Mexico, emigrated to the United States in 1995 for a better future, since the salary was too low, in Mexico, also leaving family and property behind, bringing only my wife and two children, In which when I arrived in the United States I got my first job and days later I enrolled the children in school, and little by little I met people who gave me support, years later I met a person and he told me about living hope chair of wheels association, and I joined as a disciple and paid for the membership, because I needed to join because I was very depressed, since unfortunately I was left in a wheelchair due to a stroke inside the spinal cord, also now I teach acrylic painting classes to vulnerable children, and I also teach classes to adults, and that has helped me forget about depression, and I am also now a member of the board of directors of Living Hope Wheelchair Association.

