Our Mission

Our Mission is to affirm the dignity and improve the quality of life of people with mobility disabilities and their families; particularly those who use a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury or disease, as well as immigrants and refugees. We work at the intersection of the rights of people with disabilities, health justice, and the rights of vulnerable people and workers, providing medical supplies and equipment, as well as spaces for leadership development and a community where everyone can feel included, respected, and loved. 

Membership In order to be an associate member, a person must have a disability due to a spinal cord injury, amputations due to diabetes or any disease that keeps them in a wheelchair or affects their mobility. Also, the person must commit to the Mission, Vision, Values, Programs and Rules of the organization. 

Our vision is to strengthen personal independence and collective autonomy with our communities in order to build an inclusive and just society where the dignity and human rights of all people are respected and supported

Since 2005 we have committed our energy and our talents to improve access to services, promote the inclusion of people with disabilities, foster independence, enhance mobility and demand equity.