Bringing Our Voices to Washington DC
This past May Living Hope brought our voices to Washington D.C.
May was a very busy month for our organization, for the first time in our history we sent representatives to Washington D.C. to demand an immediate stop to deportations and respect to our rights.
Our president Noé Ramírez participated on a congressional briefing on May 1st as part of the Blue Ribbon commission to stop deportations. Later he and our executive director, Pancho Argüelles, joined with hundreds of D.C. and Maryland residents to march to the White House and demand President Obama to stop separating our families.
The following week, Alejandrina Morales one of our family leaders (and mother of Lupita) and Silvia Chicas, our membership services coordinator participated with NALACC on the national day of action to stop deportations, bringing stories of mothers who have been dealing with the impact of deportations in their lives and demanding president Obama to use the power of the pen to stop all this suffering.
We are proud to be part of a larger immigrant rights movement that focuses on the dignity of our community and not just on electoral or funding considerations when fighting for our rights.
Bringing our own voices to Washington D.C. meant a big effort for our group, we don´t have many resources for this kind of activities but we choose to do it because we believe it is important that we speak for ourselves instead, we believe that those affected by current repressive policies need to be a the front of the discussion instead of the so called "experts" in D.C. that have not experienced what we have.